Artificial Olfactory
"the olfactory organs"
We are surrounded by everyday dangers. Fire hazards, explosives, harmful gases or even illicit substances. Imagine an olfactory sensor that can not only detect a specific gas. But can actually smell and differentiate on the molecular level. How much safer could our world be?
Whether it is caring for ourselves, our loved ones or our patients - we rely on all of our senses. How much better could we care, if we had olfactory super powers?
Food is fuel for our organisms. Optimizing agricultural yield at the same time as consumption quality will help sustain quality life for animals and humans alike.
Many believe humanoid robots will change our daily lives before 2030. Robots can already see, hear and touch but they can't smell until now. This needs to change for them to safely operate in a world made for humans.
The detector chip is based on semiconducting carbon nanotubes. Its 16 channels are highly selective, reproduceable, low energy and small form factor.
The first multi-channel smell detector chip for the mass market. The sensor elements contain fine-tuned nanomaterials which make the chip small, highly sensitive, energy efficient & affordable.